When I wake up in the mornings, I spend a few minutes reading articles on various news sites as a way of digging deeper than what I’ll hear on the radio on my way to work. Last week I read about the climate conference currently happening in New York.
Gathered at the UN, world leaders are meeting to discuss an issue that – much like the climate itself – is gathering more and more energy around the world. Amidst all of the positive, there are big negatives. The Chinese and Indian leaders are not at the conference, though the nations are numbers one and three respectively in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. Despite scientific clarity on what is happening to our planet and why, progress to address climate change has been stagnant since the end of the Kyoto Protocol thanks to fear mongering over economic impacts – while economic impacts are devastating the insurance, tourism, and healthcare industries and by extension, all of us.
While the world gathers in New York, I am working on the production of videos showcasing some incredible technology that aims to address some of the greatest challenges our planet faces. Through pre-production I’ve been speaking with some inspired scientists and engineers who are rewriting the way we approach our relationship with the planet. One project aims to completely alter how we secure one of the most critical components of life.
There’s no single magic spell that will solve the ills of the world. Instead, a vast array of nascent technologies will all play a role in making this planet a better place. The hard work of some very bright minds in Canada are working towards a few of these solutions.
Meanwhile, my project is to bring to light this inspiring work through my role as a producer here at Double Barrel. When I get up in the morning, the news isn’t always hopeful. But when I get to work, I get to tell some great stories that are full of hope and inspiration.