This past November, Double Barrel partnered with Premier Tech Home and Garden to bring you ‘From the Garden Shed’ ~ a bite-sized branded content series featuring Canada’s top gardening experts Mark Cullen (‘The New Canadian Garden’), Owen Reeves (Marilyn Denis Show) & Albert Mondor (Le Tour du Jardin).
This series of 16 videos cover a vast range of topics ranging from de-weeding and spreading seed, to growing grass, herbs, vegetables and flowers throughout the different seasons. It was fun learning these proven tips and tricks directly from the pros!
Crafting the “From The Garden Shed” series was an homage to the fact that we actually spent 3 days shooting in Mark Cullen’s garden shed! It was such a great experience working with Premier Tech Home & Garden and our amazing cast and crew. We actually filmed all of these in the winter, so that we would be able to showcase them in the coming summer months. Finding the necessary props needed to stage certain scenarios was an interesting challenge, but we were able to pull it off!
Premier Tech Home & Garden had a robust video strategy which was really helpful in orchestrating these shoots. We had each video shot in french and in english and we created 1 minute and 30 second versions for social media. We’re so excited to begin rolling out this content so stay tuned for more in the coming months! We hope these videos are as helpful to you as they were to us!