How do we encourage adolescents to be the best versions of themselves? There are healthy ways to feel good about yourself, and it all starts from within. Getting motivated, staying active, and expressing yourself in different ways can lead to a happier and healthier mind.
We had the opportunity to film the wonderful work that the Hamilton Family Health Team does on a daily basis. The result is this recruitment video for their therapeutic running group for teens, Team Unbreakable!
Team Unbreakable teamed up with CameronHelps, a charitable organization that works to raise awareness and reduce the stigma against mental illness. CameronHelps achieves this by bringing teens together through social groups such as Team Unbreakable.
Many dedicated volunteers team up with teens all across Hamilton to explore the benefits of physical activity through running. It really was an incredible experience being a part of something so special and we look forward to running with them again in the future!