Catherine Farquharson is one of Toronto’s finest photographers. Her website and brand were undergoing a revamp, and like many small businesses she decided that a video would be helpful for introducing herself to new clients.
With a wide portfolio ranging from weddings to non-profit projects abroad, it was a creative challenge to come up with an approach that would be all-encompassing. We needed to tell the story of Cath and her work – but not be so broad that her message would get lost. After many conversations about the actual tone and feel of her video piece, we decided on a self-narrated documentary style.
Filming took place on location at a wedding near Owen Sound and in Cath’s Bloor Street studio with a few of her clients. Incorporation of some of her favourite photo pieces speaks to, and showcases the quality of her work, while capturing Cath in her element shows potential clients what she is like to work with in the field. The lighthearted acoustic guitar based piece by Dan Hood is a perfect fit. Genuine, tinged with a slight sense of reflection, expressing hope & poignant gratitude.
These visual and musical elements combined with the personal, self-narrated storytelling style work beautifully together to show off the essence of this exceptional photographer’s work and her brand.
We’re so thrilled with the final piece and know that Cath is too! Thanks for having us along Miss Documentographer!