Emergency Preparedness Series

A dynamic animated video series for Halton Region, Ontario, aimed at educating over half a million individuals on emergency preparedness.

About This Project

How do you get half a million people prepared for an emergency? You make a video! 

We produced this short animated video series for the wonderful folks at Halton Region in Ontario. Focused on emergency preparedness – these explainer videos had a simple goal – to educate the people of Halton on how to prepare and respond in an emergency situation. Think: fires, floods, extreme weather and power outages. 

Educating and informing people is one of absolute favourite challenges. The information we’re conveying is critical – but it has to stay light to keep everyone interested. 

Working with the Halton communications team, we crafted and revised our scripts to keep the language as clear and brief as possible. 

Next, we created custom, friendly illustrations that aligned with the Halton brand, and paired that with a quick pace, warm voiceover and upbeat music. 

The results speak for themselves!

Thanks to the Halton Region for bringing us in on this project!