Healthcare Video: Imagining Better for a Brighter World
“Every day, thousands of primary care providers head to the front lines of healthcare in Canada. They’re by our sides for moments big and small,…
50th anniversary documentary launch for McMaster University McMaster University’s Medical School is a world-renowned hub for ground-breaking research and cutting-edge education techniques. They are also…
Project Launch: McMaster IBEHS Program
“Healthcare challenges are one of the biggest problems facing today’s society” McMaster University is transforming these healthcare challenges into new learning experiences. Bringing the…
PROJECT LAUNCH: DeGroote School of Business
Another week, another launch! For the past few months, Double Barrel has been working alongside the DeGroote School of Business – McMaster University~ helping them…
PROJECT LAUNCH: W Booth School of Engineering Practice
Today’s engineering graduates have a tough job ahead of them. From water quality to sustainable living, from climate change to aging infrastructure, the engineering classes…
PROJECT LAUNCH: McMaster University
Engineering is the invisible thread that holds so much of our day-to-day lives together. And when it comes to getting teens excited about a STEM…
McMaster Goes to Moscow with Double Barrel Studios
On June 17, 2013, delegates at the fourth annual G(irls) 20 Summit in Moscow, Russia, will view this engaging video as part of the official program. Established in 2010, the G(irls)20 is an organization that promotes the economic empowerment, education and entrepreneurial training of girls and women globally.
High school students considering an engineering degree at McMaster University have a new way to immerse themselves online in student life and their chosen profession.…