Hamilton is a city in the midst of renaissance. Nowhere is that more apparent than the downtown core, where new businesses are emerging at a breakneck pace. A new company cracks open its doors seemingly every single day.
At Double Barrel, we live and work downtown too. So when the International Village Business Improvement Area asked us to help tell their story, we jumped at the chance.
Our challenge was substantial. First: to showcase the changing face of the downtown core. Second: to spur interest and get people excited to pop downtown to shop. Essentially, we wanted to get people out of their comfort zone and into these blossoming boutiques. Old habits die hard, and with so much going on for all of us on the daily, it’s just too easy to pass stores by. We admire the frontages but never actually venture inside, choosing instead to zip up to the cozy confines of our closest shopping mall.
Through needs assessments and working closely with the client, we developed the branded online series ~ My International Village. The friendly tone invites the viewer to come by and make the International Village their own. The consistent, broadcast style intro and extro let the viewer know what to expect in a style that is familiar, while each vignette focusses on a different shop and story. This allows the audience to build a personal connection to shops they might otherwise pass by without a second thought.
Overall, My International Village entertains and informs potential downtown shoppers. Through the content, the International Village BIA illustrates how the tapestry of the downtown core is changing. Every single entrepreneur has a story of their own to share, and a reason why for them – right now – downtown #HamOnt is the absolute best place to be.
Thanks to Susie Braithwaite and the International Village for inviting us to explore!