A vibrant animation created for the province-wide initiative, Project AMPLIFI. With a snappy script and brand-aligned imagery, complex concepts were simplified, resulting in a more effective, engaging, and understandable message.
Department of National Defence
An engaging animation crafted to launch the IDEaS program, a groundbreaking initiative by the Department of National Defence designed to transform Canada’s defence and security landscape. This concise, visually captivating commercial showcases how IDEaS connects creative minds with the nation’s most challenging defence dilemmas.
Canada & Colombia: Teaming Up on Digital
This past June, Double Barrel was thrilled to be part of a Canadian trade delegation to Colombia. We explored the people, the geography and the…
Product Launch Video
BraveNewCode is a Hamilton-based software company with a huge footprint in the WordPress world. Leading up to the launch of their highly anticipated product WPtouch Pro…
Program Overview
The Hamilton Code Club is a trail-blazing program that sees industry mentors introduce local youth to simple software computer programming, through a blend of interactive…
Program Overview
“Inspiring innovative leaders who will transform the world” What Characteristics will define the next generation in engineering? Will it be scientific aptitude? Grasp of global…
Broadcast Commercial
We teamed up with the DeGroote School of Business to create a video campaign that would showcase their current focus on the transformation of technology in business.…